User Input Value Tips and Notes
Average utility use (per month) <%=averageUsePerMonth%> kWh The average residential household uses 800 kWh/month. If you know your monthly usage, fill it in here.
Cost / kWh $<%=costPerkWh%>/kWh Minnesota's average residential cost of electricity is $0.12/kWh. If you know your cost of electricity enter it here.
Percent of electricity provided by solar <%=percentElectricGoal%>% Experiment with different percentages here to see how system cost varies. Think about how energy efficiency improvements bring down the cost of your solar system.
<% if (madeInMnCounty){ %> <% } %>
Outputs Value Tips and Notes
Size of system needed <%=systemSize.toFixed(2)%> kW Result is based on values provided for monthly electricity use and desired percentage covered by solar. It also includes a derate of 0.87. A factor accounting for conversion of the array's DC nameplate capacity to the system's AC power rating at Standard Test Condition.
System cost estimate <%=averageCostSystemAsCurrency%> Result is based on an average 2020 Minnesota residential system cost of $3,750 per kW. Costs will vary depending on the specifics of your system.
Payback without incentives <%=paybackWithoutIncentives.toFixed(2)%> years Result assumes that electricity costs will rise 3.5% each year over 25 years.
Payback with Tax Credit <%=paybackWithTaxCredit.toFixed(2)%> years Your system may be eligible for a federal tax credit. This result shows the payback of your system with the 26% tax credit applied.
Payback with Tax Credit and Solar*Rewards incentive <%=paybackWithMim.toFixed(2)%> years The Xcel Solar*Rewards Incentive Program utilizes a performance-based incentive (PBI). A PBI pays an incentive based on the amount of annual energy (kWh) generated by the system. Therefore, the more shading a system has the lower the PBI will be. Applications are accepted by Xcel Energy on a first come first serve basis through 2021.Read More »
Average Utility Use (per month):
Cost / kWh:
Desired Percent of Electricity Provided by Solar: